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Learning something new is challenging and very rewarding. A while ago I mentioned that I am starting my own business (actually I already started my corporation). Soon, I will let everyone know what the product is (everyone should have one). In order to bring my idea to fruition, it was necessary that I learned to sew. With the help of a great friend and a terrific mother-in-law, I officially know how to sew. I am no where near perfect yet, but I am anal so I am certain that eventually I will be sewing perfectly (I strive for perfection).I spent over fifteen hours on and off today sewing in hopes that I can donate my product to my children’s Halloween basket raffle (it is not a basket). I thought, what better way to get the word out there then to start at a family oriented function (it is a family keepsake item).
I am truly exhausted, I have had many highs today and many lows but overall I feel great that I learned something new. Many people stop trying to learn things the older they get. When I threaded the sewing machine today I realized that I now know something today that I did not know yesterday and it felt good. I forgot how fun it is to learn a new skill.

What new skill have you learned lately?

Let me pick your brains. I am researching something and need to see what percentage of women like to keepsake. Any ladies out there who enjoy scrapbooking or other means of keepsaking please respond and answer the following questions.

What do you like about scrapbooking?

What is your favorite way to keepsake?

Is Scrapbooking costly?

Do you keep Babybooks?

How do you keep your photo’s organized?

What age are you?
Okay, I hope I get a few responses on this one.

I’d love to hear how you got started.

On Friday, I will be surprising my son’s kindergarten class, I am the guest reader scheduled. I have decided to read the students the story Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. It is his favorite book and I thought it would be a fun read for the children.

Two years ago, I surprised my daughter’s kindergarten class and read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I am not a crafty person but I was proud of the tree I made out of a coffee can. The teacher loved it so much she asked if she could keep it. I filled the can with lollipops and handed the kids notepads as a special treat, explaining paper was made out of trees.

For my son, I want the day to be just as special, I am heading to the craft store to buy some stuff to make a monster. I have an idea of what I want to do; I will be using a coffee can once again. However, I’m a bit stumped on what the treat should be, should I do cupcakes and make little monster faces out of them? Does anyone out there have a creative suggestion for a monster treat? If it were Halloween, the possibilities would be endless. Besides a bunny that looks like a monster, I’m not finding what I am looking for.I am going to bring in lunch bags and have the children make monsters out of the bag, fun right?

Moments as these are what make me love being a mommy, I love knowing that my son’s face will light up when I walk into the classroom. Before I know it, he will be asking me to drop him off at school a block away.  Then I will become like the monsters in the book, pleading with him not to go, because I love him so.   

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